Online Class Schedule August — December, 2021

We are excited to announce that Master Ou will offer a new series of Pangu Shengong events, classes and a retreat. Please click each event below for more information and registration.

  • Offline Group Healing Sessions
  • The Moving From Marathon
  • Introducing to revised version of Pangu Shengong book, previously entitled “Pan Gu Mystical Qigong”
  • The regular series of Pangu Shengong classes from September to November
  • Courses for Czech Republic students (Anyone may attend but note the CZ time zone and that the lecture will be translated from English or Chinese to Czech.)
  • Pangu Shengong Retreat

Note: For security purposes it is necessary for you to have a Zoom account setup before attending the online courses. The Zoom Basic Personal Meeting Plan, which is free, is good enough.


  1. Marathon Practice of the Moving Form is free.
  2. Introducing to revised version of Pangu Shengong book, titled “Pan Gu Mystical Qigong” previously. Free.
  3. Offline Group Healing Session: $50
  4. Retreat in December: Please
  5. Regular Pangu Shengong classes from September to November:
    1. First time learning for different Forms: the cost for learning the Moving Form is $120, Nonmoving Form is $120, Healing Skills Form is $150, Advanced-condensed Form is $150.
    2. Retaking classes for different Forms: we usually charge half of the full price, now we provide online discount and only charge $50 for each form.
    3. Other classes: Intuition development class is $60, Advanced Topics lecture is $60 and The Path of Life lecture is $60 .
    4. Pangu Shengong instructors receive additional discounts for regular program.

Online Events Schedule from August to December 2021

All times on Pacific Daylight-saving Time (GMT-7) before Nov. 7
All times on Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8) after Nov. 7

Offline Remote Group Healings


Date Time Class Cost Pre-requisite
Aug 24th 6:30pm-7pm Offline Group Healing Session with Master Ou $50 None
Nov 29th 6:30pm-7pm Offline Group Healing Session with Master Ou $50 None



Free Classes


Date Time Class Cost Pre-requisite
Aug 28th 9am – 12noon Pangu Shengong Moving Form Marathon Free Moving Form
Sep 11th 9am – 9:45am Introducing the revised Pangu Shengong book, previously titled Pan Gu Mystical Qigong Free None



Regular Suite of Pangu Shengong Classes


Date Time Class Cost Pre-requisite
Sep 18th Sign-in starts at 8:30am pacific. Class begins at 9am and ends at 10am Group Healing Class by Master Ou $50 None
Sign-in starts at 3pm pacific. Class begins at 3:30pm and ends at 5pm. The Moving Form of Pangu Shengong $120 ($50 for retake) None
Oct. 2nd Sign-in starts at 8:30am pacific. Class begins at 9am and ends at 10:30am The Nonmoving Form of Pangu Shengong $120 ($50 for retake) The Moving Form
Sign-in starts at 3pm pacific. Class begins at 3:30pm and ends at 5pm. Intuition Development Class $60 The Nonmoving Form
Oct. 16th Sign-in starts at 8:30am pacific. Class begins at 9am and ends at 10am Group Healing by Master Ou $50 None
Sign-in starts at 3pm pacific. Class begins at 3:30pm and ends at 5pm. Pangu Shengong Healing Skills Training Class $150 ($50 for retake) The Moving Form
Oct. 30th Sign-in starts at 8:30am pacific. Class begins at 9am and ends at 10:30am Advanced-condensed Form Class $150 ($50 for retake) The Non-moving Form
Sign-in starts at 3pm pacific. Class begins at 3:30pm and ends at 5pm. Advanced-topics for Pangu Shengong Instructors $60 Pangu Shengong Instructors
Nov. 13th Sign-in starts at 8:30am pacific. Class begins at 9am and ends at 10am Group Healing by Master Ou $50 None
Sign-in starts at 3pm pacific. Class begins at 3:30pm and ends at 5pm. Intuition Development Class $60 The Non-moving Form



Czech Republic Student Courses


Date Time Class Cost Pre-requisite
Oct. 22nd 7pm CZ time The Non-moving Form of Pangu Shengong for Czech students $120 ($50 for retake) The Moving Form
Nov. 19th 7pm CZ time Pangu Shengong Healing Skills Training for Czech students $150 ($50 for retake) The Moving Form



December Retreat


Date Time Class Cost Pre-requisite
Dec. 11 Pangu Shengong Retreat Program TBA



Please register for the Free Classes, Group Healing Sessions, Pangu Shengong regular courses and the December Retreat separately from each other:

For the Offline Group Healing Sessions (no zoom necessary) on August 24 and Nov. 29, please register here:
Group Healing Session with Master Ou


For the Free Moving Form Marathon on August 28 please register here:
To Register for the Marathon please click here


For the Free class — Introducing the revised Pangu Shengong book, previously titled “Pan Gu Mystical Qigong”, please register here:
To Register for the Revised book introduction please click here


For Regular Suite of Online courses please register and pay online:
To Register regular online classes please click here



Courses for Czech students (taught in English or Chinese with CZ language translation):
For students from the Czech Republic, please contact Richard Jisl at for registration and payment.
For students outside of CZ, if you want to take the classes, please click here to register and make payments.

For any questions:
Contact: Olivia Ou
Phone: 415-928-1389


NCCAOM PDA points are available for the Moving Form, Healing Technique, and Non-moving Form classes. Contact Abby Greiner at or 774-719-7157 for more information.

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