
Posts: 105

Current event news articles about Pangu Shengong.

The Shortcut to Achieving Greater Healing Results Utilizing the Same Pangu Shengong Qigong Forms

The Shortcut to Achieving Greater Healing Results Utilizing the Same Pangu Shengong Qigong Forms

In recent years, at different venues Master Ou has shared with his students the vision of achieving the five desired characteristics: Calm & Peaceful, Open & Tolerant , Humble & Modest, Determined & Persistent (persevering through challenges), and Earnest & Diligent (being a hardworking individual). He has also discussed and shared the importance of overcoming the three most common undesired tendencies that prevent us from elevating our heart and soul: Laziness, Greed, and Strong Ego. During our most recent advance retreat, this past December, Master Ou stressed the importance of having a plan, as the first step to overcoming laziness. During the retreat he discussed the importance of acknowledging laziness, and understanding the importance of establishing a plan for whatever it is we are trying to achieve, in order to avoid the tendency of being lazy. As we start the New Year, if you are interested in making a plan to elevating your heart and soul, I encourage you to consider implementing the following structured plan.Read More

Qi-infused Calligraphy by Master Ou

Qi-infused Calligraphy by Master Ou

Master Ou has created many exquisite artworks with love and intention. Infusing elegant but yet bold brushstrokes with the powerful healing energy of universe, his artwork greatly enhances and balanced the energy of any space it graces. Those who encounter its healing vibration are deemed extremely fortunate. Described as the ultimate Feng Shui Cure, calligraphy significantly shifts the energy in your space to improve your environment as well as your relationship with this environment. To experience the beauty of calligraphy will indeed elevate your health and sense of well-being.Read More

A Sacred and Magical Journey of the Heart and Soul — By Anisha Desai Fraser

A Sacred and Magical Journey of the Heart and Soul — By Anisha Desai Fraser

The most recent PGSG Advanced Retreat at Pangu Ranch in December was the most profound weekend journey, perhaps of my entire life. The teachings were the most detailed account of both Master Ou’s experience and his instructions on how to have a very high morality and noble love. What struck me most was how group practices throughout the weekend allowed me to apply these teachings almost immediately. I could feel with more clarity, the two sides of me struggling, having a conversation with one another that was impossible to ignore. And somewhere in there I could also feel Master Ou’s steady, firm, yet deeply loving guidance and encouragement. I could feel how group practice was helping me analyze, in detail, the right choice, helping me broaden my heart and perspective, allowing me to apply the teachings in action, to both my immediate situation and also my life beyond. Through this experience I learned much about myself and the process of transformation.Read More

Thoughts On Pangu Advanced Retreat 2017 — by Paul Fraser

Thoughts On Pangu Advanced Retreat 2017 — by Paul Fraser

There is always so much I want to say about an event with Master Ou and always, it seems, I find myself unable to express the depth and magnitude of feeling and experience that comes from a journey I know I am unable to fully comprehend. Whenever I am asked, “How was Master Ou’s?” my first response is usually a stale, platitudinous, conditioned response: “It was great!” Or some half muttered superlative comes rushing past waves of gratitude, ethereal longing, incredulousness, surreal memories, perceptual overload, developing erudition and a vague sense that some profound spiritual history has unfolded and I managed to trip over it: “Brilliant…genius….fabulous…life changing, really…..” and I am met with a polite smile or assenting grunt usually reserved for a person at a dinner party who's had just a touch too much wine. It’s true, of course. It is great… and brilliant and life changing. Read More

Cultivating the Heart — a beautiful and powerful healing album

Cultivating the Heart — a beautiful and powerful healing album

The words, melodies and compositions on this CD represent Master Ou’s deep and heart felt sentiments in his wish to convey Divine Love to all those who wish to receive it. With regular listening you may find yourself transported to a state that cultivates peace, love, harmony and healing within yourself, and the ability to share these experiences with others through daily interactions. Listen now and you may soon turn this “mystery into reality!” Read More

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