RSSPosts: 105Current event news articles about Pangu Shengong.
Starting a “New Life” at Eighty Years Old
For over 20 years, Yannong Ruan suffered from gastrointestinal disorders, vegetative neurosis, anxiety disorder, depression, and insomnia, and she often felt extreme pain and often thought of committing suicide. She also frequently suffered from the flu, colds, sinusitis, imbalanced inner ear fluid, dizziness, etc. Ever since Yannong learned Pangu Shengong, she has practiced it diligently and has achieved wonderful results. After the first 4 years of practicing, she no longer needed to take any medications and most of her illnesses had gradually disappeared. She is now 80 years old and has been practicing Pangu Shengong for a little over 7 years. She said that she has never been so healthy and happy in her life and that without Pangu Shengong she would have committed suicide by now. As a result, Yannong considers herself very lucky to have learned Pangu Shengong. Through this practice she has been able to let go of many negative beliefs, emotions and desires which have bothered her in the past and in the process has gained a new life. Read More
Pangu Yoga Retreat by Anisha Desai
The Shangri La Rainforest Villa in St.Thomas USVI provided the perfect stage for my first solo Pangu Yoga Retreat. I taught Pangu yoga three times over the weekend, and began each class with a one hour discussion focused on a topic related to self cultivation. A couple of students were brand new to yoga and all of them were new to PGSG, yet I felt they were ready to hear about the deeper philosophy of cultivating the heart, and they seemed quite interested and receptive.Read More
Pangu Shengong Newsletter March 2016
* Master Ou will give workshops in Raleigh of NC, Boston of MA, NYC, and Indonesia in April and May. Please see the details provided in this newsletter. * "Pangu Shengong has been one of the best things I have ever learned. This Qigong has done beautiful things for me and my family." – by Vicky Darveau More testimonials from our new instructors in this newsletter. * "Once a year, Master Ou teaches a series of classes, gives healing sessions, and is joined by Anisha Fraser and Vincent Chu, offering the supplemental Pangu practices of Pangu Yoga and Pangu Tai Ch." More reviews are here. Read More
A Compelling Reason to Go to Gainesville: Taking the Mini-Advanced Retreat of Pangu Shengong – by Paul Fraser
Once a year, Master Ou teaches a series of classes, gives healing sessions, and is joined by Anisha Fraser and Vincent Chu, offering the supplemental Pangu practices of Pangu Yoga and Pangu Tai Ch. For those of us fortunate enough to have been Master Ou’s students for some time, it’s an opportunity to delve more deeply into Pangu philosophy, share experiences and ask Master Ou those questions that only he can answer. Certainly, this year was as captivating and engaging as the previous one’s, adding distinct feelings of deepening friendships as many of us who haven’t seen each other in some time look forward to reunions along with the classes.Read More
Pangu Shengong has been one of the best things I have ever learned — by Vicky Darveau
Pangu Shengong has been one of the best things I have ever learned. My father’s illness (Parkinson) is what motivated me to go to Naples and learn Qigong with Master Ou. Little did I know that even though I wasn’t sick and had a good health (so I thought) I would get so much out of that weekend in the spring of 2013!! Master Ou with his wisdom and his teachings has made me a better mother, wife, a better therapist. Read More