RSSPosts: 105Current event news articles about Pangu Shengong.
A Wonderful Birthday Event–Celebration and Workshop for Better Health and Living
Master Ou’s birthday celebration is one of Pangu Shengong's annual celebrations, the most significant, happy, cheerful and meaningful event of the year. For 2016, our two day celebration took place on Feb. 5 and 6 in Macau, China. He defined a wonderful life as happy and content, with good physical health, strong morality and useful life skills, explaining that cultivating one’s heart and soul is the key to creating such a life. He continued to expound upon the meaning of cultivating heart and soul, saying that It involves two important steps: first, we must try our best to recognize our weaknesses, deficiencies, and evil tendencies; and then must work hard on reforming and refining our heart and soul towards developing and nurturing good habits and virtues. Read More
Pangu Shengong Newsletter January 2016 – Happy New Year!
Pangu Shengong Workshops in Feb. and March in 2016 Gainesville, Florida. Friday, Feb 25 – Sunday, Feb 28 We are excited to announce that Master […]Read More
Pangu Shengong Newsletter December 2015 – Happy Holidays!
We wish you good health and happiness in the New Year of 2016! In this newsletter, you will see the outline of Master Ou's schedule in the first half of next year. You will enjoy the two most recent big events with us. There are also two wonderful testimonials providing you rich information about how Pangu Shengong improve their lives. We also introduce two beautiful qi-infused calligraphy products in this newsletter, together with Quote of the Month from the Path of Life, and new Moving form instructor. Read More
Pangu Shengong Qigong has Enriched my Life and Strengthened my Health
I am Jessica Lin and I am forty years old. I was very lucky to have an opportunity to start learning Pangu Shengong since I was in high school in China. I haven’t needed to see any doctors and haven’t had to take any medication for over 15 years since I committed to practicing the forms of Pangu Shengong every day. I always have abundant good energy and vitality and I am able to maintain a happy mindset throughout my daily busy routine. Under Pangu culture’s guidance and influence, I gradually realized the value and meaning of life, which has helped me to understand and learn how to master my life’s direction. Read More
Magnificent Lake Tahoe Advanced Retreat — by Jason Davis
It was exciting to hear that there was going to be an Advanced Retreat in November and that it was going to be held in Lake Tahoe. Anytime there is an opportunity to attend an Advanced Retreat I feel very fortunate. At the first Advanced Retreat that I attended, back in 2009, I experienced a major healing shift in my life. I am still profoundly grateful for that weekend and the wellbeing in my life has just continued to grow from that point onward. The other reason for my excitement was that Lake Tahoe itself is a beautifully captivating place.Read More