
Posts: 105

Current event news articles about Pangu Shengong.

Beautiful Pangu Shengong Events in Australia and New Zealand in September 2016

Beautiful Pangu Shengong Events in Australia and New Zealand in September 2016

Master Ou visited Australia and New Zealand in September 2016 with more than 30 Pangu Shengong students who came from mainland China, Macau, and the United States. Touring with Master Ou is always a beautiful, spiritual, educational and healing experience. This tour was no exception. In all cases the lectures centered on the theme of “learn to understand yourself, cultivate your heart, and refine your soul, then you will be healthier, happier, and more capable”. This is the message that Master Ou wants to share with all Pangu Shengong students in the new year of 2017. “Learn to understand yourself, cultivate your heart, and refine your soul, then you will be healthier, happier, and more capable.” Happy New Year!Read More

The Benefits of Pangu Shengong — by Olivia Ou

The Benefits of Pangu Shengong — by Olivia Ou

With any practice or endeavor, we want to make sure it is worth our time and effort. The two most common questions that arise from those considering Pangu Shengong are: What benefits can I get by practicing Pangu Shengong? And: How quickly will I see these benefits? Excellent questions! These questions are perhaps best answered with a letter I received from a correspondence student of Pangu Shengong from Europe: “My experiences with the Moving Form are as follows: My quality of sleep has increased dramatically. After many years, I am again enjoying a restful and deep sleep. I often get very vivid dreams, easy to remember. My chest pain, which has plagued me for 5 years, is finally gone. I also find I am not as quick to get angry as I once was.” Read More

Journey to Europe with Master Ou – Pangu Shengong events in the Czech Republic and Germany

Journey to Europe with Master Ou – Pangu Shengong events in the Czech Republic and Germany

It is always a great honor to be able to travel with Master Ou and meet Pangu Students from different parts of the world. The trip included four Pangu Shengong events in the Czech Republic and one in Germany. A big highlight for me was attending a moving form class that was held at an outdoor venue in Liberec, Czech Republic. There were over 50 people attending the course and the weather was perfect. One of the most touching moments during the trip was when an instructor named Richard read a letter addressed to Master Ou from the family of one of his patients, Jirina, in order to express their gratitude. I once again witnessed the profound healing ability of Pangu Shengong and the love that Master Ou and his students like Richard exhibit when helping so many people.Read More

This is How I Live Such a Healthy, Happy and Long Life

This is How I Live Such a Healthy, Happy and Long Life

Huiyan Deng turned 95 years old in 2016. She had severe coronary heart disease 23 years ago. She learned Pangu Shengong in 1993 and began to practice it sincerely daily. As a result, she recovered from her coronary heart disease in 1994 and has never had symptoms since then. Using the "Five Practices" of Pangu Shengong, she has been able to live a healthy and happy life. She feels grateful that Pangu Shengong and Master Ou have helped her to achieve such a healthy long life.Read More

Starting a “New Life” at Eighty Years Old

Starting a “New Life” at Eighty Years Old

For over 20 years, Yannong Ruan suffered from gastrointestinal disorders, vegetative neurosis, anxiety disorder, depression, and insomnia, and she often felt extreme pain and often thought of committing suicide. She also frequently suffered from the flu, colds, sinusitis, imbalanced inner ear fluid, dizziness, etc. Ever since Yannong learned Pangu Shengong, she has practiced it diligently and has achieved wonderful results. After the first 4 years of practicing, she no longer needed to take any medications and most of her illnesses had gradually disappeared. She is now 80 years old and has been practicing Pangu Shengong for a little over 7 years. She said that she has never been so healthy and happy in her life and that without Pangu Shengong she would have committed suicide by now. As a result, Yannong considers herself very lucky to have learned Pangu Shengong. Through this practice she has been able to let go of many negative beliefs, emotions and desires which have bothered her in the past and in the process has gained a new life. Read More

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