
Posts: 105

Current event news articles about Pangu Shengong.

My Humble Reflection on Practicing the Non-Moving Form of Pangu Shengong — By Youguang Zhu

My Humble Reflection on Practicing the Non-Moving Form of Pangu Shengong — By Youguang Zhu

After I read Master Ou’s book "The Path of Life" in 1991, I developed a strong interest in learning Pangu Shengong. Soon after I took the Moving Form class and started practicing it daily, several of my illnesses disappeared very effectively, so I felt in love with Pangu Shengong. Studying and practicing the Non-Moving Form helped me to heal my insomnia and a few more other illnesses and to develop potential abilities such as body-sensing ability and visual viewing ability. But more importantly, the Non-Moving Form helped me to understand the essence of spirituality, which is to cultivate my soul to become a kinder person so that we can process and understand the information revealed to us through various channels and sources. Read More

Why attend M. Ou’s annual Advanced Retreat?  What have I experienced that causes me to make it a priority to attend year after year?

Why attend M. Ou’s annual Advanced Retreat? What have I experienced that causes me to make it a priority to attend year after year?

  • Uniquely priceless knowledge
  • Inspirational spiritual guiding lessons
  • Strong Qi experiences that start days before the two-day retreat begins


It’s my impression that whether 10 students, 100 students, or 1000 students show up, Master Ou’s goal is to use these 2 days, about 6 hours of lectures, to help his students overcome obstacles they are facing – whether the obstacles are energetic, a lack of mental understanding, or emotional fatigue (an inability to implement or sustain that which they desire and know is best). Master Ou designs each annual Advanced Retreat around a theme, a concept that he wishes to share with his students. The concepts year after year build upon themselves, each providing a unique perspective into the overarching goal of cultivating one’s heart and soul. This allows attendees to gain a broader and deeper understanding of the concepts, gradually increasing the ability to link them together, allowing us to heighten our awareness and eventually gain additional abilities.Read More

Magic and Reality – My Wonderful Achievement from Spiritual Practice at Pangu Ranch – By Jason Chen

Magic and Reality – My Wonderful Achievement from Spiritual Practice at Pangu Ranch – By Jason Chen

My five-day spiritual practice, my personal Pangu Shengong Retreat, brought me miraculous effects in my body. My presbyopia disappeared. I gained 11 pounds with stronger physical strength and inner power. I have been very healthy thanks to my diligent daily practice of Pangu Shengong. This five-day personal retreat elevated my well-being and awareness to another high level. I feel privileged that I could go to Pangu Ranch to have a personal retreat. I highly recommend every Pangu Shengong student grab the opportunity to take part in the annual Pangu Shengong retreat program. This year’s annual retreat will be on Dec. 10-11. This online retreat will mimic the structure of previous in-person retreats, giving you the opportunity to achieve the great results that I have achieved. Read More

Pangu Shengong Online Retreat on Dec. 10-11, 2022 — The Art of Transcending and Evolving Beyond One’s Origins

Pangu Shengong Online Retreat on Dec. 10-11, 2022 — The Art of Transcending and Evolving Beyond One’s Origins

The Art of Transcending and Evolving Beyond One’s Origins: Using Faith as the compass to navigate our path in life to achieve and reap the benefits of becoming truly aware and capable, and surpassing our current limitations to realize the beautiful future human world. This retreat will emphasize the skills needed to:

  • Exceed the achievements of those who came before us,
  • Rise above the challenges that they once faced, that we too are facing, and
  • Find the desire and then choose, sincerely, to walk this path of life.
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Master Ou and Pangu Shengong Healing Methods Saved a Llama Bitten by Rattle Snake

Master Ou and Pangu Shengong Healing Methods Saved a Llama Bitten by Rattle Snake

Master Ou and Pangu Shengong Healing Methods Saved a Llama Bitten by Rattle Snake. Rattle snake bites to the muzzle of a llamas could result in death without quick intervention and treatment. Amazingly, with Master Ou using the Pangu Shengong Healing Method and qi treatments, our llama who was bitten by rattle snake healed and recovered quickly without using any conventional treatments and methods. Read More

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