RSSPosts: 105Testimonials related to the reading of the Path of Life.
“The Path of Life” Book Club Starter Kit
For anyone who may have wanted to start a Path of Life book club and discussion group, but was unsure of how to begin, we offer this as a suggestion. Of course, this is only a suggestion, a way to begin. You may have your own ideas, structure and format, and as the discussions broaden and deepen and participation increases, the meetings are likely to evolve.Read More
The Path of Life — The Reality and The Mystery, a Book with Dual Natures: Both Substantial and Magical
I have read a wonderful and important book called, The Path of Life. Actually, I have been reading it repeatedly for more than 20 years. What keeps me this interested? Is it just that it was written by my father? I will leave the answer to you. First, allow me 5 minutes to tell you some unusual and interesting stories about the book. For many people, the title The Path of Life may seem mundane and nonspecific. Don't we all have a path of life? It is, however, the book's subtitle, “The Reality and The Mystery” that intrigues many readers. Can mystery become reality? Can objects have dual natures: both substantial and magical?Read More
Everything in the cosmos was created by a man
I find it very interesting that a real human created everything because just that fact brings a point of confusion to many people around this idea of "do we have the power to create our own reality or not?". Read More
How is God Of Saucer’s character different and/or the same from your previous conception of The Divine and what responses does that give rise to?
God of Saucer was about as far from the God of my understanding as it gets. Growing up in Australia I was exposed to Christianity but brought up with Hindu customs and rituals. This combination along with the spiritual liberality from my parents gave me a broad view of God. My father once described God as being everywhere, an omnipresence. The God I came to know as a child was a perfect, benevolent flawless Being though the relationship never felt personal, meaningful or one that could really be seen or felt. Read More
Lake Tahoe, California’s Gift — by Angel Ghashikta
I just read the overview of Lake Tahoe Pangu Shengong Retreat in November 2015. It was perfectly written. I feel deep heartfelt appreciation to have been able to attend. It was life-altering. Inspired by Master Ou's lectures and fervor for the importance of expressing our appreciation for Great Nature, I wrote a poem about Lake Tahoe as we were driving away.Read More