Commentary on the Theory of Pangu Shengong
RSSPosts: 10Testimonials related to the reading of the Path of Life.

A Humble and Diligent life — by Anisha Desai Fraser
This last advanced retreat really got me thinking. I've been contemplating that Pangu Shengong doesn't remove us from the reality or responsibilities of everyday life. However, I believe that it does place our feet more firmly on the ground of what we hold dear, our core beliefs and values.Read More

The Relationship of Materialism and Idealism
How does the relationship of materialism and idealism keep surfacing in The Path of Life, and what does this bring to mind for you? The concepts of idealism and materialism are often repeated and discussed throughout all three volumes. At first, my impression was "enough, already.” Then, the more I thought about it, the more I realized these are central, though often unnamed, themes appearing almost everywhere.Read More

Oh Magical Japan — by Anisha Desai Fraser
I really took to heart what Master Ou said during the advanced training about devoting ourselves to nature, and using our rich emotions and sentiments to write about our experience. I want to improve my speaking and writing skills. Although I know it's months after our trip to Japan, I recently wrote a poem about my experience after being inspired by The Path of Life Volume 3 and I recalled the magic of the moments we shared. Read More

Path of Life Book Club, Raleigh, NC
I grew up in a church, hearing the Bible taught since birth, and then read it for myself as soon as I was able. This experience led me to be comfortable with the things, experiences, and beings of the spiritual world...These past experiences helped and hindered my reading of the Path of Life.Read More

Take the Opportunity to let the Qi Flow Optimally – by John Paul in Florida
What will you do with the opportunity? “Ask not what you did to deserve the opportunity, but what you will do with the opportunity.” I recently returned from a trip to Indonesia with Master Ou and several other Pangu Shengong (PGSG) students. When Master Ou asked me to share my thoughts of PGSG with an audience of Indonesian students, I decided to share a realization that occurred this past winter. For years, fellow friends and PGSG students and I have often commented among ourselves about how much we appreciate the time given and the lessons learned from Master Ou, wondering often what we ever did to be so fortunate. This winter we realized that we needed to switch this around and — “Ask not what we did to deserve this opportunity, but what are we going to do with this opportunity?”Read More