Testimonials Practicing PGSG Forms
RSSPosts: 32

I recovered from 13 types of illnesses by practicing Pangu Shengong Qigong — by Xuanhua Liu
I recovered from 13 types of illnesses, including double lung bronchiectasis and strong chemotherapy side effects by practicing Pangu Shengong for a couple years and stayed healthy since then for 20 years now. My successful experience with Pangu Shengong practice has inspired and motivated many of my Indonesian family members and friends to learn and practice Pangu Shengong. It was an honor to travel to Indonesia with Master Ou this May (in 2015) to share my great recovery journey with more Indonesian students. I hope that they will cherish Pangu Shengong and achieve wonderful health just as I have been able to.Read More

Take the Opportunity to let the Qi Flow Optimally – by John Paul in Florida
What will you do with the opportunity? “Ask not what you did to deserve the opportunity, but what you will do with the opportunity.” I recently returned from a trip to Indonesia with Master Ou and several other Pangu Shengong (PGSG) students. When Master Ou asked me to share my thoughts of PGSG with an audience of Indonesian students, I decided to share a realization that occurred this past winter. For years, fellow friends and PGSG students and I have often commented among ourselves about how much we appreciate the time given and the lessons learned from Master Ou, wondering often what we ever did to be so fortunate. This winter we realized that we needed to switch this around and — “Ask not what we did to deserve this opportunity, but what are we going to do with this opportunity?”Read More

Anisha’s Indonesia speech on May 23, 2015
In Bandung Indonesia on May 23, 2015, Anisha shared her Pangu Shengong expereince with 170 Indonesia Pangu Shengong students. Please see her touching speech below: Experiencing my own life force allowed me to understand the connection between the material world and the spiritual world. At that time, I also suffered from asthma and I would get sick very often. I was hospitalized maybe four or five times. I had it since I was three years old and it got much worse when I was fifteen and sixteen. I was also extremely sensitive to my environment so it was very difficult for me to be in public places because I could feel other people’s imbalances and would feel very sick. So all these conditions have improved greatly and basically don’t exist. Read More

Pangu Shengong Gives Me a New Life – Written by Yanbing Guan on March 8th, 2015
Yanbing suffered from 9 major health problems for over 10 years and was diagnosed as being in the final stage of liver cancer when she was 55 years old. She was devastated and depressed. Fortunately, she soon learned Pangu Shengong and practiced it whole heartedly. She had good result from day one. She completely recovered from liver cancer and her other major health problems after 3 years of dedicated Pangu Shengong study and practice. However, just like many other wonderful healing stories, this beautiful result didn't come without some difficulties along the way. Her healing journey required faith, consistency, hard-work, humble self-awareness, and love. Therefore, in this article, Yanbing also shares with us how she successfully handled her 2 major and 2 minor healing adjustments during that 3 year healing period. The purpose of this is to shed some light on the process of healing from a major illness and to inspire those that are struggling to find a way out of their difficult situations.Read More

My trip to Bali and Java Indonesia with Master Ou – by Anisha Desai Fraser
The Pangu students of Indonesia warmly and graciously welcomed us into their hearts. Crossing boundaries of ethnicity, culture, language and religion, we found a common ground in love and kindness, all seeking true health and happiness. We shared stories, singing, food, and adventures. We entered the country as strangers and left as family.Read More