RSSPosts: 105
My Journey with Pangu Shengong – a profound narration from Dr. Jon, coming from a background of western medicine, alternative medicine and spiritual practice
I totally identify with many people’s feeling of lack of “evidence base” of qigong. The truth is that it is not that qigong has no evidence. The truth is that the west is not ready to look at the evidence! But the good news is that there is no need to do the traditional clinical trials. With the bottom up western approach, you try to create specific drugs to target specific cells. You want to be as specific as possible. Then you measure those cells to determine success or failure. Then you look at the side effects and then you look at the long term survival rate. It never dawns on anyone to look at the patient’s marital situation as well or his sudden affinity to alcohol as the way to assess success and failure. Since we are not dealing with the root cause of Life Force, blazing “miraculous” success is few and far between. If there were such a drug, you would expect a lot of side effects to come along either now or later. Then with the top down approach - it is easy. You infuse your body with Life Force. Then ALL levels of your life improve. But you have to be patient to go all the way. Nine years ago in the depth of my health crisis, I began to be able to see exactly what was going on with healing. And it was at that time that I decided to put Pangu Shengong to the test. I have practise anywhere between 3.5 to 5.5 hours a day for the last 5 years. I know how important it is. I no longer stoop, and the last thing anyone can say about me is that I am slow (ask Olivia). I no longer use any inhalers for my chronic airways restriction. I no longer take any analgesics for any pain. The growth in my foot disappeared. And I suddenly find it easy to do things that I found difficult before. My relationship with my wife has improved immensely. I suddenly no longer need to visit my dentist besides cleaning my teeth and I still haven’t got time yet to teach my dentist qigong and he wants to learn because he has never seen anyone with my severely worn enamel on my teeth improve. My nausea, pain, lumps and bumps.........etc etc all improving. Read More
Peter passed a 2.5cm kidney stone naturally with the help of Pangu Shengong practice
A lot of Pangu Shengong students have received extra benefits by doing extra amount of Pangu Shengong forms. Peter, a new Pangu Shengong student shared that he found out earlier in 2023 that he had a 2.5cm stone in his left kidney. He was told that the stone could only be removed by surgery. In August 2023 he learned the Moving Form of Pangu Shengong. Since then, he had been practicing the Moving Form at least two hours a day every day. Three months later in November, he passed a lot of small gravel within one day and scans from hospital showed that the 2.5cm stone was completely gone! Amazing!Read More
The benefits of taking and retaking Master Ou’s classes — by Olivia Ou
People receive many benefits from taking and retaking Master Ou’s classes. Below is a list of the benefits. 1. It improves individuals’ understanding of the theory of Pangu Shengong. Greater understanding yields greater results. For example, Pangu Shengong advocates noble kindness and love. Master Ou’s classes will elaborate on these topics and help practitioners to reach a higher level of harmony for their well-being physically and spiritually. 2. It improves one’s self-awareness and fosters one’s inner growth. 3. It provides participants with a strong dose of energy boost. Master Ou issues healing energy while teaching.Read More
Why retaking Master Ou’s classes — By Amita Desai in January 2023
I have been a Pangu Shengong student for 18 + years. I am also a Moving Form & a Non-Moving Form Instructor. I have always tried to attend all the classes and retreats Master Ou has offered over the years in person. Since he has been offering online classes, it has in a way made it possible for many more students to attend!Read More
Video Interviews with some Pangu Shengong students by Liz Hennessy
Since learning and practicing Pangu Shengong, and becoming an instructor of the moving form, Liz has been very motivated to share it with the world, with the intention of making more individuals aware of the power of this qigong practice. With her great passion and hard work, she has video interviewed with several individuals who have been practicing Pangu Shengong daily and using Pangu Shengong Healing Skills to heal themselves and others. You may find these interviews interesting, informative, inspirational, and even educational. I would like to share a list of interviews that Liz recently published. Of course, if you have any questions about Pangu Shengong and want official answers, please contact us at Read More