RSSPosts: 105
Our Life as a Result of Master Ou’s Love — By Cari Oberting (USA)
The first time I met Master Ou I would say I experienced a miracle! For several months before I met him, I had been quite unwell for the first time in my adult life. I had lost a lot of weight in a short period of time, had many cysts on my ovaries, my menstrual cycle had stopped, and I was beyond exhausted most of the time. After one twenty-minute healing session with him I believe I was completely healed. The next day my menstrual cycle returned, I gained back the weight I had lost within a week, I had much more energy and the next time I went back to the doctors they checked my ovaries, and all the cysts were gone. I felt renewed! Shortly after the healing, I learned the Pangu Shengong Moving Form and have been doing it daily for the past sixteen years. Since that time, I have been perfectly healthy and have not had to go to the doctors. I haven’t had the flu, any viruses or even a cold since then. Even in the middle of flu season when my clients, my son, and everyone around me seems to be sick, I have not gotten sick. I am quite sure I would be an entirely different person if I had not met Master Ou and learned Pangu Shengong. Doing the daily practice is like brushing my teeth, getting dressed, and getting ready for my day. It would feel so strange going out into the world without having done at least one moving form. Read More
PTSD and Trauma Healed — By Jason Davis
Pangu Shengong has helped me to resolve health issues that begin very early in my life. I was born a month premature because my mother had developed a condition called Toxemia. In addition, I experienced repeated life and death asthma attacks as a baby due to a severe allergy to milk. I would be rushed to the hospital and the doctors would restrain me and give me shots of adrenaline to allow me to breathe again. The result of this early history of life threatening illness was that my body became programmed to be in emergency reaction mode “fight or flight” all the time. I was traumatized and had PTSD ever since. I tried many different methods. they were very good methods but did not provide the relief that I was looking for. One consequence of doing all this work is that I opened up my distressful feelings too quickly and it was more than I could handle. Finally, I encountered a Pangu Shengong, which has helped me to resolve all these health issues.Read More
Thanks to the advice from Master Ou and taking time to read Master Ou’s articles and experiences of other students, and of course thanks to the possibility of practicing more forms daily, through learning the advanced form, I did significantly improve my health status. A couple pieces of advice (from Master Ou) that I think made a great improvement into my practice are the following: - Forget about your disease, calm your mind and practice more. - Being happy is even more important than being calm. - Do not get angry, try to keep calm, and do not rush with reactions. - Avoid speaking or acting in ways that are harmful to others around. (It’s part of the password, “speak with reason..”) My health status has improved so much during the last 10 years that I never again had a herpex simplex problem, no winter flu even when people in my family got It and we spent winter days together. No irritable bowel syndrome, no hemorrhoids. And, the hernia has almost disappeared. I can eat everything, and I can drink a good beer without any issue, free to enjoy the food caring more about the taste and not much if It is healthy, if it is vegetable or pasta… what I like I do eat and enjoy with proper moderation. Read More
I highly recommend taking Pangu Shengong Moving Form class taught by Master Ou
Do you know how Pangu Shengong was created? Have you maximized the effects of the Pangu Shengong Moving Form yet? Do you want to improve the quality of your Moving Form practice in order to achieve the best result from all of the other forms of Pangu Shengong? Have you wondered why the Moving Form is the first form and the most fundamental form of Pangu Shengong that Master Ou created? Do you know the best mindset to have when you practice and how to achieve that? Why can these simple movements bring about such remarkable healing benefits? My experiences have taught me that the more I know about Pangu Shengong, the better results that I may achieve. Therefore, I highly recommend you to take Master Ou’s Moving Form class on September 5th to learn more about Pangu Shengong. Read More
Pangu Shengong with Tennis – by Eric Ernstrom, a tennis coach
Pangu Shengong helps mental clarity and promotes a calm mental state that promotes a mind set that could deal with the mental adversities tennis players deal with in difficult match ups. Coaches are already trying to promote meditation forms , visualization, and other techniques to improve a players mental game which is key to playing well. I may not be the only one who promotes Pangu Shengong as an amazing supplement to players serious about improving their games and match performance, but it is clearly an amazing option to promote clarity of mind, inner calmness , and residual benefits such as a quicker recovery time between matches. I recommend Pangu Shengong for anyone in competitive sport since the calm inner mind is essential to a peak performance. There are many other benefits of Pangu Shengong for anyone , but I introduce the idea of practice to anyone attempting to improve the quality of their match play. Read More