RSSPosts: 105
My Heartfelt Gratitude to Master Ou — by Jason Chen (Yisheng Chen), January 2021
I was a licensed physician and surgeon in China prior to my immigration to the United States. In 1997, when I was working as a physician in China, I began to study Master Ou’s teachings and practice his Pangu Shengong. In this article, I would like to share with you my journey of maintaining good health and spiritual growth with the guidance of Master Ou and Pangu Shengong.Read More
Enhancing your Moving Form practice to maximize your Qi cultivation
How to enhance your Moving Form practice to maximize your Qi cultivation? In addition to this question, you may also have a list of relative questions including: • How many Moving Form I should do every day? • Can I recover from my illnesses? How long it will take? • If I feel more painful during the healing process, how should I understand it and what should I do? • When I do the form, should I try to direct the qi/energy to the sick areas? Or just focus on doing the practice? • Is it better to do it by standing or sitting? • How to do the Moving Form can bring me the best result? In this article, Olivia will help you to find answers to those question.Read More
What is the Intuition Development Class?
The purpose of the Intuition Development Class is 1) to give a deep healing and adjustment for your soul, nerve system, cognitive functions, and intuitive abilities; and 2) to guide you to see creations from the past, present and/or future of the universe so that you may have more approaches to learn more Truths of the Universe and Life. Each individual in the class will experience a unique journey; and each class that you take will bring you different journey. Every Intuition Development Class is different. Even thought the procedure is similar each time, the details of the scenes and experiences are different.
The more you attend this class, the more healing and adjustments your soul and body you will receive, the more intuitive potential you will develop, the more Truths about the universe and life you may uncover. The last Intuition Development Class in 2020 will be on October 24. Don’t miss it! Read MoreThe Benefits of Retaking Master Ou’s Classes
For the last 12 years I have traveled around attending Master Ou’s classes in various locations across the United States. For me attending Master Ou’s lectures has been a shortcut or a way to speed up the process. It doesn’t matter if I had taken the moving form lecture 20 times before because each time was deeply transformative. Each time that I would attend the lectures they would get deeper. That is why I am so excited about attending these online classes. Read More
Shing Wah recovered from stage IV prostate cancer by doing Pangu Shengong Moving Form for 2 months
Shing Wah Heung, a 65-year-old man from Hong Kong, had stage IV prostate cancer. The cancer had already proliferated into his sternum, proximal femur and pelvis. Fortunately, he learned Pangu Shengong and gave his utmost efforts to persistently practice the moving form for two months. As a result, he totally recovered from the cancer and gained a new life! On August 8th 2019, he was diagnosed with stage IV prostate cancer that had proliferated throughout his body. It was found in his sternum, proximal femur and pelvis. His PSA reading was 906. After practicing Pangu Shengong for two months, on Oct 10, he went back to the hospital to do another follow-up examination. The x-ray examination showed that the original dark shadow on his pelvis was gone and the black spots on the medial surface of his thigh had disappeared as well. The results of his blood test showed that his PSA level had fallen to 0.64 and his ALP reading had gone down to 238. His doctor asked him what medications he had taken, and he honestly told the doctor that he hadn’t taken any medicine. On the exact day of practicing Pangu Shengong for two months, he found that the most painful part of his pelvis no longer hurt. He had recovered his health after being diagnosed as a stage IV cancer patient! Read More