RSSPosts: 105

The Benefits of Pangu Shengong Group Practice in Raleigh, NC
In Raleigh, NC (USA) PGSG students have been experiencing increased benefits from all the forms of Pangu Shengong by offering Group Practices frequently in the past year. Weekly we offer five group practices: one on Saturday morning/ one each day at noon on Monday, Wednesday, Friday/ and two times per month a group practice is offered online in the evenings.Read More

Steadfastness and a Firm Belief in the Practice of Pangu Shengong
As a doctor (both a gynecologist and a pediatrician), I am very fortunate that I know Pangu Shengong and have been practicing it for over twelve years. My heartfelt feeling is: Steadfastness comes from a firm belief that originates from dedicated daily practicing of Pangu Shengong system on myself and others. Back in 2006, I was 63 years old. I had a prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc, which resulted in my body not being able to move properly. The hospitals couldn’t help my condition but fortunately I was introduced to Pangu Shengong. After practicing the form, very soon my waist no longer felt painful. I was able to straighten up my waist and walk. Throughout this incident, especially with my medical background, I was able to deeply experience the amazing power of Pangu Shengong: practicing Pangu Shengong can heal diseases which can’t be treated in a hospital. Read More

The Shortest and Fastest Way to Deal with Modern Work and Life Issues – by G.Kukananthan
With my many years of background in several Meditation and Yoga systems, as well as other qigong practices, I find Pangu Shengong truly the most simplest to practice daily . The energy flow and lightness of body is felt effect immediately each time I do it. Life seems to unfold far more harmoniously and there is a living sense of connection with the Universe as an extension of my personal life. It’s a very elegant practice that I have been able to draw upon for clarity of mind and energy for Corporate work, maintaining good health evidenced by medical reports and even replenishing vitality quickly when doing travelling and other physically demanding schedules .Read More

Hello All! I just returned from the Pangu Culture Weekend at the Pangu Ranch and wanted to tell you about my experience. From the moment of my arrival, I could feel the peace, calm, and vibrant energy of the Ranch and Master Ou’s warm and patient care for all beings around him. My favorite spot quickly became the front porch from which I could view the magnificent flowers, trees, and vineyard, all glowing with a true green and verdant life force. The energy of the Qi Gong seems to radiate through all the land, and most of the flowers have blossomed for over 18 months continuously! Read More

True Harmony – by Patty Pace, Raleigh, NC
I have been busy thinking about Harmony after our dear Master Ou came for a visit to Raleigh this summer. Did you ever stop to consider what true harmony might feel like? Consider for a moment your very favorite music in the world. How does it make you feel? That’s harmony! Melodies flow in and out, and intertwine to make a perfect piece of music that has a harmonious effect on you and on the world. The notes must all work together each doing their part, but not as strong individually as they are all together to create this beautiful song or symphony in the world. Read More