RSSPosts: 105

Pangu Shengong Makes it EASIER
“The happiest and most important thing a person can do is correct one’s own error.” This is a quote from the Path of Life Volume 1, Chapter 30. It’s also the jumping off point for one of the sessions from Path of Life Book Club kit. Personally, I find peace in taking responsibility for my actions and my emotions. When I make the choice to stop (or not to start) beating myself up for something I did or said, but instead choose to check in with my ego and step up with as much humility as I can access in the moment and correct the error, it actually feels GOOD - freeing. I feel stronger, not weaker, on the other side of the events. In fact, at our Path of Life book club recently. the sentiment was expressed that it is actually EASIER to correct one’s error and move on with a happy, calm and free heart. Definitely, it’s EASIER than digging in, being self-righteous, resentful, mired in shame or guilt, etc. Read More

A Sacred and Magical Journey of the Heart and Soul — By Anisha Desai Fraser
The most recent PGSG Advanced Retreat at Pangu Ranch in December was the most profound weekend journey, perhaps of my entire life. The teachings were the most detailed account of both Master Ou’s experience and his instructions on how to have a very high morality and noble love. What struck me most was how group practices throughout the weekend allowed me to apply these teachings almost immediately. I could feel with more clarity, the two sides of me struggling, having a conversation with one another that was impossible to ignore. And somewhere in there I could also feel Master Ou’s steady, firm, yet deeply loving guidance and encouragement. I could feel how group practice was helping me analyze, in detail, the right choice, helping me broaden my heart and perspective, allowing me to apply the teachings in action, to both my immediate situation and also my life beyond. Through this experience I learned much about myself and the process of transformation.Read More

Thoughts On Pangu Advanced Retreat 2017 — by Paul Fraser
There is always so much I want to say about an event with Master Ou and always, it seems, I find myself unable to express the depth and magnitude of feeling and experience that comes from a journey I know I am unable to fully comprehend. Whenever I am asked, “How was Master Ou’s?” my first response is usually a stale, platitudinous, conditioned response: “It was great!” Or some half muttered superlative comes rushing past waves of gratitude, ethereal longing, incredulousness, surreal memories, perceptual overload, developing erudition and a vague sense that some profound spiritual history has unfolded and I managed to trip over it: “Brilliant…genius….fabulous…life changing, really…..” and I am met with a polite smile or assenting grunt usually reserved for a person at a dinner party who's had just a touch too much wine. It’s true, of course. It is great… and brilliant and life changing. Read More

My visit to The Pangu Ranch for Advanced Retreat with Master Ou in December of 2017! – by Amita Desai
Before arriving at the Pangu Ranch I had only seen some photos here and there that were posted by Olivia ; but wen I saw it in its entirety it really blew my socks off:) The grand entrance to the property, the wooden bridge, the pond that came alive with the ducks, the winding road lined with the old oak trees and finally I am at the house...Pangu Villa!! ...... For me, it is alive, vibrant, colorful, loved and a wonderful teaching ground; so much to learn without being taught; just from being around Master Ou, observing, listening, problem solving, witnessing their work ethics; language is no barrier. hearts are connected and sing the same song! There was no need to look elsewhere. My heart was full!!Read More

How is God Of Saucer’s character different and/or the same from your previous conception of The Divine and what responses does that give rise to?
God of Saucer was about as far from the God of my understanding as it gets... The first time I read the POL of life I was in the throws of studying Sufism and heart based healing, which left little to no room for a less than perfect God, and also focused on repentance, asking forgiveness for mistakes... After reading the POL I was stunned at first by God of Saucer's nature. Pangu took some getting used to. Not having much of a background in Chinese Culture both God of Saucer and Pangu felt foreign. God of Saucer's character seemed to bypass the idea of perfection, especially considering that HE was the perpetrator in the opening chapters. I felt a little afraid but also relieved that maybe there was finally another answer for my deepest question: why was there evil and why were humans continuously suffering?...Read More