Guy Wells

Golden Chrysanthemum
Pangu Shengong (Pan Gu Mystical Qigong) instructor who is certified to teach the Moving Form of Pangu Shengong since January 2014.

My Name is Guy Wells I am co owner of Golden Dragonfly Acupuncture in Denton, Maryland. I have been a PanGu Shengong Practitioner since 2012 and a Moving form Instructor since 2015. I was first introduced to PanGu thru my Wife while she was attending Acupuncture School in Florida. I have been and still am a student of several different Martial Arts styles since I was 12 years old.

I retired from Law Enforcement in 2003 after a fall severely injured both my knees. My years of conditioning is most likely the only reason I was able to put off the replacement for as long as I did and the last few years using the cultivation of Chi technics of Pan Gu to prepare myself I had both replaced starting June 2014. Having full use of both knees again using both the moving and non moving forms to heal quickly them after the replacement and return myself to my Tai Chi Practice.

Be in Peace and Love
Guy Wells Nasgi’nega Tawodi/ Ulis’nvdo Tawodi


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