My Bermuda cruise experience with Master Ou and Pangu Shengong family — by Anisha Desai

This past June I traveled on a cruise ship to Bermuda with Master Ou and 20+ Pangu Shengong students. I was immensely grateful to be invited and while I didn’t know exactly what to expect with it being Father’s Day and also Olivia‘s birthday, I knew that it would be epic and life changing because it was the first time I had traveled with Master Ou and other Pangu Shengong students since 2019.

The beauty of being on a cruise ship together is that we were all in the vicinity of one another, yet still had the choice of how to spend our free time. We had group gatherings and meetings, with ample opportunity for self reflection, practice time, and of course sightseeing! However, it really ended up being an unexpected and impromptu retreat with Master Ou. Perhaps that was the divine intention all along. Even when I wasn’t in his presence physically, I could always feel him in my heart—with an invitation to go deeper, and I did. The opportunity to learn and travel in person with Master Ou is incomparable to anything else I’ve experienced to date. It feels as though all the layers of my whole being, my life, and all those in my orbit benefit, and I receive so much support and love that enables me to elevate myself to another level. The ability and time to share and exchange sincerely with other students, with heartfelt thoughts and ideas about life and our journey through Pangu Shengong, (and without editing myself), feels so liberating and intimate.

The first night before we even boarded the ship, I began to have inspired thoughts about the Special Topics 1 class the previous week, specifically the word and idea of “sincerity”, especially towards Pangu and his teachings. It is a word, a word that we probably all give very different meanings to—but what does it actually mean? How can we bring forth more sincerity, if we don’t truly understand what it is? So how do we understand it more deeply? Does sincerity also have an infinite capacity like the universe and Pangu’s divine power? These questions encompassed my heart as Master Ou spoke with his Chinese students after dinner in Boston.

This thinking lead me to even more questions…
Is sincerity being honest? Is it being genuine? Is it a combination of both and the process of having devotion towards them? Is it possible to always be even more sincere than yesterday? To be more grateful than before?

As the journey into the open sea continued, more thoughts and emotions enveloped my mind and soul. Reading the Path of Life on the cruise felt even more amplified and deep. We are full of contradictions and in a given moment can pull up the worst negative qualities or the best qualities within us. Does sincerity mean that in each moment we continue to choose the path that brings happiness and benefit to others and the world? Without sincerity could we ever truly make the right choice?

Through feeling and asking these questions with an open heart, I began to understand more, and how we can truly express our love more deeply. As I explored the deeper aspects of sincerity along with other attributes like trust, faith, tolerance and joy, it dawned on me that they are not only all expressions of this deep love, but can also lead us towards love.

The Bermudian people seem to carry and exemplify many of these qualities and as a result they exude a calm, happy, warm disposition. Being here gives me some excitement towards the Future Human World—perhaps Bermuda is a tiny tiny oasis of what’s possible, of how we can earlier reach the beautiful future world. The island of Bermuda has blurry borders and therefore has a unique history and culture; they collect their own rain water and burn all there trash, filtering the smoke so there is little pollution and a clean, crisp atmosphere. As the tour guide said, the sand never gets hot and even the sharks are friendly here! An added gift was when Master Ou demystified the Bermuda Triangle mystery for a few of us that had puzzled us since we were children!!!

The first morning of the cruise I woke up to a thick fog across the sea. When I woke up again an hour later it was clear and I could see the vast blue water and bright sunlight illuminating the sky. During these first couple days it felt as though the fog in my mind, in my life, also cleared, and the cloudy veil lifted from my heart, revealing more of my light. It felt as though the broad sea was also broadening my heart.
The second day in Bermuda all the colors seemed brighter and everything appeared even more beautiful! Perhaps this was a reflection of my inner soul elevating. My soul felt soothed and rocked by the sea, like a baby being cradled by her father. The feeling was weightless, floating, maybe even flying. Is there a difference between sea and sky? Are we walking on water or clouds? All of the issues and worries of daily life seemed to evaporate, and felt distant from my soul, at times even disappearing entirely. My sleep, dreams, and restful naps felt like a continuation of the trip; I could see other students and Master Ou; we were all continuing to having conversations and experiences together! How interesting! What is a dream and what is reality? The soul knows.

Beginning with the first group practice, and continuing throughout the journey, I could feel Master Ou’s deep love for us…his invitation into his heart to feel this infinite love and weightlessness, harmony with all things, a feeling of how the deepest sincerity, trust and love lies in Pangu’s sacred decision. Master Ou carries this trust towards all of us. When I practiced the form for the world and connected to this energy, tears would stream down my face each morning, like I was sobbing, but they were not tears of sadness—they were tears of gratitude, devotion, awe, sincerity, understanding and joy. I was granted just a taste of this devotion to the whole human world, and the secret of being closer to Pangu.

I believe that just like each chapter in the book “The Path of Life”, each one of our hearts and souls also contains the whole story and truth if we are willing to be open and calm enough to seek it, feel it and act upon it.

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