The Benefits of Pangu Shengong Group Practice in Raleigh, NC

The Benefits of Pangu Shengong Group Practice in Raleigh, NC

In Raleigh, NC (USA) PGSG students have been experiencing increased benefits from all the forms of Pangu Shengong by offering Group Practices frequently in the past year. Weekly we offer five group practices: one on Saturday morning/ one each day at noon on Monday, Wednesday, Friday/ and two times per month a group practice is offered online in the evenings. Additionally, we have a group of students who connect by texts every morning and encourage each other to practice in the morning before work.

What are the benefits of all this joining together to practice?

Our community is growing into a very strong Pangu family and individuals report real healing from attending group practice regularly. Students have shared that they have increased health, happiness, and well being, along with increased capacity for kindness out in the world. We have noticed a huge shift in our collective happiness and ability to stay peaceful throughout each day because we are all holding each other in love through the day. I highly recommend all students around the world to find someone to connect with for practice! If you do not have someone locally, please note our online options: we can be found through MeetUp in Raleigh, NC. Or join your intentions with us during one of our practice times!

Thank you, Master Ou for this remarkable Qi gong practice that brings increased health, happiness, peace, and well being to the world!

Patricia Pace
Instructor for PGSG Moving and Non Moving Forms
Medical Qi Gong Practitioner
Raleigh, NC

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