Sep 23, 1987
Ou, Wen Wei finished writing The Path of Life after 12 years of great effort.

Master Ou was writing the Path of Life in 1984 with his spare time after work.

Master Ou was writing the Path of Life in 1984 with his spare time after work.

In 1986, Ou worked as an engineer in charge of the installation of a grid power station which was recognized as one of the best quality projects in the province. He had to work very hard for the job, yet, at night, he insisted on continuing to write the book the Path of Life.
Finally, Ou finished writing The Path of Life after 12 years’ great effort since 1976 when he decided to write down his unique mysterious experience. A new journey began...
Oct 1989
The Path of Life in Chinese was published for the first time by Nanhai Rulin Writers Club.
One thousand copies were published and delivered to specialists in various fields.
The Path of Life, the original version in Chinese.
Ou was amazed to learn from his readers that his book the Path of Life had healing power.
Therefore, he decided to condensed the knowledge he had accumulated from the previous 16 years into a simple, highly effective and easy-to-learn method for people to improve health, well-being and vitality.
Thus, Pangu Shengong was created.

Right after Master Ou created Pangu Shengong, he created four important pieces of calligraphy. The horizontal one on top is the maxim (password) of Pangu Shengong. The three vertical pieces below represent "Pangu Shengong" in Chinese. The one on the left is the first level (part) of the Moving Form, the one on the right is the second level (part) of the Moving Form, the one in the middle is the third level (part) of the Moving Form.
"Take kindness and benevolence as basis.
Take frankness and friendliness to heart."

"Pangu Shengong" in Chinese. The one on the left represents the first level (part) of the Moving Form, the one on the right represents the second level (part) of the Moving Form, the one in the middle represents the third level (part) of the Moving Form.
People who were seeking for good health, powerful qigong practice, and spiritual growth began to come to Master Ou’s home to take classes from him.
May 1, 1990
Master Ou gave his first public lecture on May 1, 1990 at the Guangzhou Wanbao Electronic Corporation. Since then Master Ou has given lectures and taught Pangu Shengong in many different places to many people.
Aug 1991
The Path of Life in Chinese was published for the second time by "Asia Publication" in Hong Kong and was displayed at the Hong Kong International Books Expo.
Master Ou became the director of the Qigong Science Research Institute of Guangzhou University in China.
By then, Pangu Shengong had become a very popular Qigong in Guangzhou. There were group practices every morning in every park in the city.
Since then, Master Ou delivered lecture serials on the topics of “the Path of Life and exploring Pangu Shengong” regularly at Guangzhou University.
Jun 1993
Master Ou visited Xiaoshan city to teach Pangu Shengong for the first time.

This picture was taken in 1994 when Master Ou visited Xiaoshan to teach again.
Aug 1993
Master Ou visited Xinjiang province (the biggest province in China) to teach Pangu Shengong for the first time. 600 students took the class. Since then, Master Ou had visited many different cities in Xinjiang province to teach Pangu Shengong, including one of the farthest town on the boarder named "Hami".

This picture was taken in 1996 when Master Ou visited Hami, the farthest town of Xinjiang province, to teach Pangu Shengong.
Oct 1993
The first Pangu Shengong consulting group was founded and located in the 23rd middle school in Guangzhou. The weekly meetings helped practitioners deepen their understanding and improve their results.
Since then, many consulting groups were created in different locations.
Farewell My Soul volume I, Master Ou’s second book was published in Hong Kong by "Asia Publication".
Mar 1994
Master Ou’s first Qigong Calligraphy exhibition was held at Zhongshan Library in Guangzhou.
Apr 1994
Master Ou was invited by the workers union of Guangzhou Ri Za company to teach its employees Pangu Shengong. The company paid 75% of the tuition for the employees. The results from the daily practice were impressive. The employees health was greatly improved and as a result the rates of sick leave were reduced and the medical expenses paid for by the company for the employees dropped dramatically. Ultimately, it reduced the costs for the company as well as increased its productivity. Therefore, some other companies including the Guangzhou Automobile Corporation did the same thing and paid for their employees to learn Pangu Shengong.
Aug 1994
Farewell My Soul volume I was published again in Guangzhou by
"Huacheng Publication".
Aug 1994
Master Ou visited Shandong, Tianjin and Beijing to teach Pangu Shengong for the first time.
The people who were willing to follow Master Ou’s guidance and do the Pangu Shengong practice achieved great results.
Master Ou went to many Provinces to teach Pangu Shengong. Gradually, there were Pangu Shengong students in every Province in China.
Master Ou visited Indonesia for the first time to teach Pangu Shengong there. Now, Pangu Shengong is one of the biggest Qigong organizations in Indonesia.
Aug 31, 1994
The Guangzhou Pangu Shengong Research Institute was founded. The ceremony was held at the grand meeting hall in Guangzhou University.
The Guangdong Pangu Shengong Research Institute was founded. Guangdong is a Province in China.
Jan 1995
Master Ou’s second Qigong Calligraphy Exhibition was held.
Jun 1995
Master Ou attended “the First International Conference of Somatic Sciences” in the United States and received an award.
From that point onwards, Master Ou began to teach Pangu Shengong in United States.
Aug 1996
Farewell My Soul volume II was published in Hong Kong by "Asia Publication".
Apr 24, 1996
The Hong Kong Pangu Shengong Research Institute was founded.
The textbook in Chinese, “The Moving Form of Pangu Shengong”, was published.
Master Ou’s third Qigong Calligraphy Exhibition was held.
Jun 15, 1997
The Pangu Shengong Research Institute (PSRI) hosted the event “Pangu Shengong and Well-being Consultant Day” in the Guangzhou Cultural Park.
In the 2nd half of 1997, under the great support and help from the Guangdong People’s Congress, Guangzhou Narcotics Control Commission, and Guangzhou Public Security Ministry, PSRI and Dongguan Drug Rehab Center conducted an experiment using Pangu Shengong to help drug users quit their addictions. It greatly improved the participants’ sleeping quality and helped their digestive systems with the excretion of waste. They suffered with less withdrawal symptoms.
In November, PSRI began another similar scientific research project along with the Number Two Workers’ Hospital of Guangdong and the Changzhou Drug Rehab Center.
In the same year, Master Ou created a specific form of Pangu Shengong named “Chemical-Dependency Rehabilitation Qigong” to help people to quit their dependence on drugs.
The experimental report “Applying Pangu Shengong Chemical-Dependency Rehabilitation Qigong on Drug Quitting Program” was published in the magazine “Qigong and Science” in 1998 v11.
The Pangu Shengong International Research Institute (American) was founded in United States
Feb 1998
The Guangdong Pangu Shengong Committee was founded.
Master Ou’s papers, “Preliminary Research into the Treatment of Drug Addiction with Pan Gu Mystical Qigong,” “A Discussion of the Essential Quality and Intrinsic Features of Qigong Based on the Relationship between Energy and Matter,” “The Nature and Role of Qi in the Human Body,” and “The Harmony between Heaven, Earth, and Man,” were selected for the Theses Collection of the Fourth World Academic Society of Medical Qigong in 1998; in addition he was awarded a Certificate of Merit for his “earnest effort to popularize medical qigong.”
Feb 22, 1999
3000 Pangu Shengong practitioners participated in the Spring Festival Celebration organized by the Pangu Shengong Research Institute.
Apr 25, 1999
The first Pangu Shengong International Convention took place in Guangzhou. 1500 representatives from many different places attended the conference.
“Pan Gu Mystical Qigong”, the English version of the Moving Form text book was published in the United States.
Master Ou received the award of Qigong Master of the Year from both the Fourth World Congress on Qigong and the Fourth American Qigong Association Conference in 2001.
The Path of Life volume III in English was published.
Sep 26, 2004
The first Pangu Shengong Kindness and Health Camp was held in Hong Kong. 1000 students were present.
Sep 2005
For the first time, Master Ou brought a group of English speaking PGSG students from North America to China visiting many places and meeting with Chinese students in different cities. During the tour, Master Ou gave many talks on profound topics.
May 12, 2006
The second Pangu Shengong Kindness and Health Camp took place in Hong Kong.
Master Ou trained the first group of Nonmoving Form Instructors.
Aug 26, 2006
Master Ou gave his first healing songs concert in Guangzhou.
Master Ou won three awards—best papers, Qigong Master of the Year, and outstanding contribution—at the Fifth International Qigong Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, 2006, where Pan Gu Mystical Qigong was also named as one of the outstanding qigong forms.
Master Ou won awards in two categories—excellent papers and outstanding contributions—at the Beijing International Health and Longevity Forum & the First Beijing International Health Industry Expo in Beijing, China, 2007.
Jan 2008
Master Ou’s first 4 healing songs albums were published.
Feb 2008
Master Ou gave his second healing concert in Guangzhou. 1500 people attended.
May 2008
Master Ou gave another two healing concerts in China. Each had 1500 audience members.
Jun 2008
Ou’s healing music program for special needs children began. The children who have participated in the program have had dramatic improvement since that time.
Nov 2008
Ou’s healing music program for fatal patients began.
Master Ou won awards in two categories—excellent papers and outstanding contributions—at the Beijing International Health and Longevity Forum & the First Beijing International Health Industry Expo in Beijing, China, 2008.
Master Ou published two more healing songs albums. In the same year, two of his music video DVDs were released and his song book was published.
Sep 5, 2009
Master Ou held a healing concert in Hong Kong. 1200 people attended.
Dec 2009
The first Pangu Retreat was held in the United States. It was a very advanced program.
Master Ou introduced another powerful healing tool—chanting in the ancient Chinese way with Qi. His first healing chant CD was released.
Sep 2010
Master Ou won awards in two categories—excellent papers and outstanding contributions—at the Beijing International Health and Longevity Forum & the First Beijing International Health Industry Expo in Beijing, China, 2010.
May 2011
Master Ou’s second healing chant CD was released.
May 2011
Master Ou’s first healing chant concert was held in Hong Kong.
Jan 21, 2012
On January 21, 2012 (Dec 28th in the Chinese lunar calendar), Pangu students experienced a triple blessing in Macau––the Foundation Ceremony of the Pangu Kindness and Friendship Association of Macau, the Ou Wen Wei Ngahyin Healing Chanting and Music Concert, and Master Ou’s birthday party.
Oct 2012
There was a Qigong Calligraphy Exhibition and Healing concert held in Macau
Feb 8, 2013
Master Ou gave a profound lecture to 1000 students on the subject of Pangu Culture.
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